Nana April Jun performance / installation, RCA, London, Dec 2016

Objects are pushed through their physical breaking points and mixed with the raw materials they consist of. These mixtures are then casted and variations are displayed next to each other, attached to each other and reconfigured again.

In this performance / installation by Nana April Jun, folding, rolling, cascading and crushing are modes of making that are both bodily and geological, and the careful mixing and re-staging of parts create a fluid sense of narrative that explores issues of control. A network of objects with an entropic nature that oscillates between an understanding of matter and image.

These processes that the artist is carrying out, act as impulses through contact microphones into complex chains of audio effects. This create an abstract soundscape that is part visually synced to the work that is carried out and partly invisible – delayed, repeated, smeared out – through the impulses inner dynamics in the effect chain field. It is a process of revealing the integrity of something without resorting to representation, but rather a type of realism.

Left in the room in the form of an object based installation, is the residue of the performance.

Performance 09 Dec 2016  19.00
Installation 2016 12 10 – 2016 12 16 by appointment only
RCA Woo building
London SW11 4AY